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Rebuild HASP Form V2 Import

Prior Registration with an NHS GP

It is VERY important that we know if you have been registered with the National Health Service of the UK previously.

Previous Registration with the NHS *
// This object can be updated to reference the names of your address fields var outputFields = { line_1: ‘[name=”item_meta[1507]”]’, line_2: ‘[name=”item_meta[1508]”]’, post_town: ‘[name=”item_meta[1509]”]’, postcode: ‘[name=”item_meta[1510]”]’, }; var optInId = “frm_field_1511_container”; var line1 = document.getElementById(‘frm_field_1507_container’); var line2 = document.getElementById(‘frm_field_1508_container’); var posttown = document.getElementById(‘frm_field_1509_container’); var postcode = document.getElementById(‘frm_field_1510_container’); // Include your Account API Key here var apiKey = “ak_kskddyb2msShMlNtzPQcuRAA9hYuS”; // This is the geofence for Holborn var geofence = [ [-0.1231, 51.5305], [-0.124, 51.53], [-0.1249, 51.5296], [-0.1269, 51.5288], [-0.1309, 51.5273], [-0.1344, 51.5261], [-0.1362, 51.5256], [-0.1373, 51.5253], [-0.138, 51.5249], [-0.1373, 51.5238], [-0.1365, 51.5228], [-0.1344, 51.5207], [-0.1304, 51.5164], [-0.1286, 51.5167], [-0.1266, 51.517], [-0.1249, 51.5171], [-0.1226, 51.5172], [-0.1204, 51.5176], [-0.1195, 51.5164], [-0.1185, 51.515], [-0.1146, 51.5159], [-0.1139, 51.5147], [-0.1114, 51.5153], [-0.1125, 51.5167], [-0.1138, 51.5182], [-0.1132, 51.5183], [-0.1124, 51.5183], [-0.1118, 51.5182], [-0.1112, 51.5182], [-0.1114, 51.5184], [-0.1115, 51.5187], [-0.1117, 51.519], [-0.1119, 51.5193], [-0.113, 51.5212], [-0.1146, 51.5232], [-0.117, 51.5253], [-0.1186, 51.5275], [-0.1206, 51.5303], [-0.1218, 51.5306], [-0.1224, 51.5306], [-0.1231, 51.5305], ]; var toForm = function (target) { return jQuery(target).parents(“form”)[0]; } var enableBtn = function (target) { var btn = toForm(target).querySelector(‘button.frm_button_submit[type=”submit”]’); if (!btn) return; btn.disabled = false; btn.removeAttribute(“style”); } var disableBtn = function (target) { var btn = toForm(target).querySelector(‘button.frm_button_submit[type=”submit”]’); if (!btn) return; btn.disabled = true; btn.style.background = “gray”; } var disableOptIn = function () { var radio = document.getElementById(optInId); if (!radio) return; radio.style.display = “none”; } var enableOptIn = function () { var radio = document.getElementById(optInId); if (!radio) return; radio.style.display = “”; } var hideOutputFields = function () { if (!line1) return; line1.style.display = “none”; if (!line2) return; line2.style.display = “none”; if (!posttown) return; posttown.style.display = “none”; if (!postcode) return; postcode.style.display = “none”; } var showOutputFields = function () { if (!line1) return; line1.style.display = “”; if (!line2) return; line2.style.display = “”; if (!posttown) return; posttown.style.display = “”; if (!postcode) return; postcode.style.display = “”; } var debounce = function (func) { var timer; return function () { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { func(); }, 800); }; }; var inside = function (point, vs) { // ray-casting algorithm based on // https://wrf.ecse.rpi.edu/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html/pnpoly.html var x = point[0], y = point[1]; var inside = false; for (var i = 0, j = vs.length – 1; i y != yj > y && x < ((xj – xi) * (y – yi)) / (yj – yi) + xi; if (intersect) inside = !inside; } return inside; }; var withinLondon = “

Your postcode indicates you live outside the main boundary for registration at St Philips Medical Centre, however, you may register with us as an Out of Area Patient.

” + “

Registering at this practice as an “out of area” patient.

” + “

As you live outside the Practice area (catchment area), we are not required to provide you with home visits.

” + “

You may, on occasion, develop an urgent illness or injury at home which means that attending the GP surgery as normal would not be appropriate.

” + “

If you require a GP, please contact this practice in the first instance. If we determine you need access to services local to where you live, we may ask you to call NHS 111.

” + “

In these circumstances, NHS 111 will direct you to the local service that has been established by NHS England for patients such as you. This local service could be a GP practice near to where you live, the local walk-in or urgent care centre, A&E, or minor injuries unit.

” + “

The local services will then decide if you can attend for an urgent face-to-face appointment with a healthcare professional, or if a home visit is needed, which will be based on your individual circumstances.

” + “

If this is in the out-of-hours period when the surgery is normally closed between 8.30 and 18.30 am weekdays and during weekends – NHS 111 will direct you to the local out-of-hours provider.

“; var outsideLondon = “

Your postcode indicates that you live outside London.

” + “

Please register with a GP closer to your home location.

” + ‘

You can find your nearest practice on this website, simply enter your postcode to get a list of local doctors surgeries: www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-GP

‘ + “

Thank you.

“; function init() { var target = document.querySelector(outputFields.line_1); if (!target) return; if (target.type === “hidden”) return; var validateLocation = function (addresses) { var address = addresses[0]; if (inside([address.longitude, address.latitude], geofence)) { enableBtn(target); disableOptIn(); return message(“”); } if (address.post_town.toLowerCase() === “london”){ enableBtn(target); enableOptIn(); return message(withinLondon); } disableBtn(target); disableOptIn(); return message(outsideLondon); }; var msgBox; var message = function (msg, t) { var className = t || “frm_error_style”; // Can be “frm_success_style” if (!msgBox) { msgBox = document.createElement(“div”); msgBox.style.display = “none”; target.parentElement.parentElement.appendChild(msgBox); } if (msg.length > 0) { msgBox.className = className; msgBox.innerHTML = msg; msgBox.style.display = “”; return; } msgBox.style.display = “none”; }; var isHallsOfResidence = function () { return target.parentElement.style.display === “none”; }; var insertPostcodeFields = function (target) { var container = document.createElement(“div”); container.className = “frm_form_field form-field frm_required_field frm_top_container”; container.style.display = “none”; var label = document.createElement(“label”); label.className = “frm_primary_label”; label.innerText = “Search your Postcode”; var button = document.createElement(“button”); button.innerText = “Lookup Postcode”; button.style.marginTop = “0.5em”; var input = document.createElement(“input”); input.type = “text”; var context = document.createElement(“div”); context.style.marginTop = “0.5em”; container.appendChild(label); container.appendChild(input); container.appendChild(button); container.appendChild(context); var parent = target.parentNode.parentNode; parent.insertBefore(container, target.parentNode); return { container: container, label: label, input: input, button: button, context: context, }; }; const fields = insertPostcodeFields(target); IdealPostcodes.PostcodeLookup.setup({ apiKey: apiKey, context: fields.context, button: fields.button, input: fields.input, outputFields: outputFields, onAddressesRetrieved: validateLocation, }); if (target.parentElement.style.display !== “none”) fields.container.style.display = “”; var o = new MutationObserver(function () { fields.container.style.display = target.parentElement.style.display; }); o.observe(target, { attributes: true }); // Watch postcode field in case Halls of Residence selected var postcodeInput = document.querySelector(outputFields.postcode); if (postcodeInput) postcodeInput.addEventListener( “keyup”, debounce(function () { if (!isHallsOfResidence()) return; var postcode = postcodeInput.value.trim(); if (postcode.length === 0) return; var client = new IdealPostcodes.Client({ api_key: apiKey }); IdealPostcodes.lookupPostcode({ client: client, postcode: postcode, }).then(function (result) { if (result.length === 0) return message(“Your postcode could not be found”); validateLocation(result); }); }) ); } document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, init);